
by CW Fun



1091013 PM07:00 At present, the open data server of the Environmental Protection Department is malfunctioning again. It has been notified so far. Please wait patiently!

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空汙地圖 空氣品質 空汙 UV紫外線 天氣溫度 濕度 預防 監控 推播提醒 保護你我的健康讓你隨時都可了解目前台灣各地區的空氣品質概況,以做好抗汙準備!1091013 PM07:00 目前環保署的開放資料伺服器又再度故障,目前已通報,再請大家耐心等候!1091013 PM02:40 下午一點已接獲環保署來信表示已在修復當中,而目前已確認恢復運作,後續資料將會逐時補足,感謝Daniel Wang熱心回報!1091013 AM09:30 目前app無法取得最新資料是因環保署的開放資料伺服器資料無正常更新,目前已向環保署窗口回報狀況,預計待該署修復後,APP的資料即會恢復正常,再請大家稍加等候,謝謝您!再次聲明,本app所提供的空氣品質資訊皆來自行政院環保署所提供之公開資料,因此如果政府未在貴區域設置觀測站,我們自然也無法無中生有,再請各位手下留情,懇請勿做無理性的評論。全台官方觀測站清單可參考行政院環境保護署網站:行政院環境保護署測站點(2018-01-27版本)北部基隆 汐止 萬里 新店 土城 板橋 新莊 菜寮 林口 淡水 士林 中山 萬華 古亭 松山 大同 桃園 大園 觀音 平鎮 龍潭 陽明 三重 中壢 永和竹苗湖口 竹東 新竹 頭份 苗栗 三義中部豐原 沙鹿 大里 忠明 西屯 彰化 線西 二林 南投 竹山 埔里雲嘉南斗六 崙背 新港 朴子 臺西 嘉義 新營 善化 安南 臺南 麥寮高屏美濃 橋頭 仁武 鳳山 大寮 林園 楠梓 左營 前金 前鎮 小港 屏東 潮州 恆春 復興東部宜蘭 冬山 臺東 花蓮 關山離島馬祖 金門 馬公 馬祖東引請注意,目前本app提供的即時溫度濕度資訊是來自中央氣象局的目前天氣資料,但因非所有地區都有提供該資訊,目前改採演算法方式補足部分地區無天氣資訊問題。詳細可參考 中央氣象局-目前天氣區塊:讓你隨時都可了解目前台灣各地區的空氣品質概況,以做好抗汙準備!當然還是希望地球有一天能不再受空汙所擾...為了自己的健康,就讓我們隨時注意空氣品質做好萬全準備。資料來源:行政院環境保護署與中央氣象局 (OpenData) 功能特色:1.依照您所在位置依序排序與您最近的空氣測站2.可以對您所想要的空氣測站進行客製化篩選3.可設定您想監控的測站空氣品質進行推播通知(1.每小時推播 2.空氣品質普通以上推播 3.空氣品質不良以上推播)4.提供即時天氣、溫度、濕度與紫外線uv強度資訊5.提供桌面小工具,讓您更方便掌握目前空氣品質。6.加入行政院環保署網站連結按鈕。-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Air Pollution Map Air Quality Air Pollution UV Ultraviolet Weather Temperature Humidity Prevention Monitoring Push-broadcast Reminders Protect your and my health so that you can know the current air quality in various regions of Taiwan at any time to prepare for anti-pollution!1091013 PM07:00 At present, the open data server of the Environmental Protection Department is malfunctioning again. It has been notified so far. Please wait patiently!1091013 PM02:40 1:00 pm I received a letter from the Environmental Protection Agency stating that it is under restoration, and it has been confirmed that the operation is resumed. Follow-up information will be filled in time. Thank you Daniel Wang for your enthusiastic report!1091013 AM09:30 The current app cannot get the latest information because the EPA’s open data server data has not been updated normally. The status has been reported to the EPA window. It is expected that the APP data will return to normal after the agency is repaired. Please wait a moment, thank you!Again, the air quality information provided by this app comes from the public information provided by the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan. Therefore, if the government does not set up an observatory in your area, we will naturally not be able to make it out of nothing. Please be merciful and please do not be unreasonable. Sexual comments. For the list of official observing stations in Taiwan, please refer to the website of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan: site of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan (2018-01-27 version)NorthKeelung Xizhi Wanli Xindian Tucheng Banqiao Xinzhuang Cailiao Linkou Danshui Shilin Zhongshan Wanhua Guting Songshan DatongTaoyuan Dayuan Guanyin Pingzhen Longtan Yangming Sanchong Zhongli YongheBamboo seedlingsHukou Zhudong Hsinchu Toufen Miaoli SanyiCentralFengyuan Shalu Dali Zhongming Xitun Changhua Line West Second Forest Nantou Zhushan PuliYun JiananDouliu Lunbei Xingang Puzi Taixi Chiayi Xinying Shanhua Annan Tainan MailiaoHigh screenMeinong Qiaotou Renwu Fengshan Daliao Forest Garden Nanzi Zuoying Qianjinqian Town Xiaogang Pingtung Chaozhou Hengchun RevivaleastYilan Dongshan Taitung Hualien GuanshanOutlying islandsMa Zu Jinmen Ma Gong Ma Zu DongyinPlease note that the current real-time temperature and humidity information provided by this app is from the current weather data of the Central Meteorological Bureau, but because this information is not available in all regions, the current algorithm method is used to compensate for the lack of weather information in some regions.For details, please refer to the Central Meteorological Bureau-current weather block: -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Let you know the current air quality in various regions of Taiwan at any time, so as to prepare for anti-pollution!Of course, I still hope that one day the earth will no longer be disturbed by air pollution...For my own health,Let us always pay attention to air quality and be fully prepared.Source: Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Agency and Central Meteorological Bureau (OpenData)Features:1. Sort the air stations closest to you in order according to your location2. Customized screening of the air station you want3. You can set the air quality of the station you want to monitor for push notifications (1. Hourly push 2. Air quality above normal air quality or above 3. Air quality above poor air quality push)4. Provide real-time weather, temperature, humidity and UV intensity information5. Provide desktop gadgets to make it easier for you to grasp the current air quality.6. Add the link button on the website of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan.-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------20210625 更新伺服器,舊伺服器將下線,為確保正常使用,請儘速更新!